MENS DEPARTMENT (Men’s Ministry)
WOMENS DEPARTMENT (Women’s Ministry)
SINGLES DEPARTMENT (Young Men & Women (18-25)
MINISTERS IN TRAINING CLASSES (M= Ministry I= Impartation T= Training) (MIT)
Media Ministry
All Auxiliaries, Ministries, Outreaches, and individual Visions should flow into the overall vision of Increasing Faith Ministries and we are open for expansion as the current vision is fulfilled. The next pages are dedicated to the Physical structure we believe
Within the Body of Christ, there are several types of Governments. They are as follows:
A. OLIGARCHY: The elite few concepts.
B. MONARCH: The one man or woman totalitarian concept.
C. GERONTOCARCY The senior-aged person concept.
D. DEMOCRACY: The majority rules concept.
E. THEOCRACY: The God is in charge through his anointed and appointed leaders’ concept.
We of Increasing Faith Deliverance Ministries are ruled by a theocratic governmental structure. That is to say, God is in control.
Why do we…?
1. Have corporate prayer before each service.
(Acts 1:12 – 14, 24-26)
2. Pray outwardly in tongues as well as in English.
(Acts 4:24-31; I Corn. 14:2-5)
3. Have corporate praise and worship with…
Singing? (Psalms 47:6,7)
Shouting? (Psalms 47:1)
Clapping? (Psalms 47:1)
Kneeling? (II Chron. 6:13; Psalms 104:1)
3(A). Extended, lifted or waving of the hands?
(II Chronicles 6:13; Psalms 118:1)
3(B). Laying prostrate on the floor?
(II Chronicles 7:3)
3©. Dancing?
(Psalms 149:3)
3(D). Instruments?
(Psalms 150:3-6)
3(E). Standing?
(II Chronicles 20:9)
4. Allow the Holy Spirit’s expression through the gifts of the Spirit.
(prophecy, tongues, interpretation, etc.)?
(Acts 13: 1-4; I Corn. 12:7-11 and 14:26-33)
5. Share in open, verbal expression of testimony?
(Acts 14:23; Revelation 12:11)
6. Pray for people with the laying on of hands and anointed oil?
(Mark 16:15-18; Acts 19:1-6; James 5:13-16)
7. Teach and/or preach with such force, intensity, conviction, authority, and power?
(Isaiah 58:1; Luke 4:18,19; Acts 2:13-38)
8. Respond to the word with amen, shouts of praise, rising to our feet, tears of joy and/or conviction? (II Chronicles 20:14-22; Nehemiah 8:5,6)
9. Respond to prayers by falling to the floor?
(Daniel 10:7-11; Revelation 1:13-17)
10. Pray with such fervency?
(Acts 4:29-31; James 5:16)
We of Increasing Faith Ministries believe that every disciple of Jesus Christ should be an active, accounted member of a local assembly known as the Church. What is meant by the word “Church”? It is derived from the Greek word, Ekklesia. That is to say, the called-out ones assembled together, an assembly of free citizens. It is derived from two Greek words, EK>>out of, and Kaleo>>to call or be called.
To understand the truth of Church membership, we need only to understand that the Church is Jesus’ idea, and therefore, Church membership is also his idea.
Matthew 16:13-19, Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church (Ekklesia) and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Thou art Peter, lit petros>> a movable small rock or pebble. And upon this rock lit petra>> a massive bedrock, a boulder, a hewn-out stone. I will build my Church. The Church is to be built upon the Rock. Revelation that Jesus is the Christ or Jesus is God. This is the revelation rock the Church is built upon. We the Church are Christ’s ambassadors in the earth. Acts 1:15 describes a sense of numerical accountability. Acts 2:41-47 describes a multi-purpose benefit of Church membership, and they are as follows:
A. Sharing in doctrine.
B. Sharing in fellowship and breaking of bread.
C. Corporate prayers.
D. Apostolic signs and wonders.
E. A community of believers.
F. A system of sharing and supply.
G. A sense of unity.
H. A sense of gathering together from house to house and in the temple.
I. A sense of corporate praise and worship.
Church membership is an outward confirmation of an inward transformation. We require the members of this ministry to:
1. Affirm their desire by completing an eight week New membership/New convert class. You will be assigned a pastoral care group leader for eight weeks or more so that you can adjust and make known any areas of need that we help fulfill.
2. Be an active and committed part of the body.
3. Follow the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of the church and his delegated authority (Pastors, and appointed officers).
4. Make us aware by letter and in person should you desire to move or end your membership. We would like for you to have an exit interview with the Sr. Pastors so we can insure that any wrong doing on our part can be corrected.
What is tithe or tithing? Abraham gave Melchizedek tithes of all he had (Genesis 14:20). The tithe means the tenth part. The tithe is a mechanism that teaches us the God-given principle of giving. By developing a disciplined tithing lifestyle, the principle of giving, be it offerings, alms, or seed, will have a base to build from. The fact that Abraham gave tithes before the Law of Moses was instituted makes tithing before and beyond the law. Jacob declared that all God would give me, “I will give him a tenth, tithe”. Again, it is important to note that man in response to the blessing of the Lord instituted the tithe. Tithing is worship unto God.
Malachi 3:8 states that when we refuse to tithe and give offerings, we in turn are robbing God. As a result of robbing God, Satan’s attack of lack and poverty go unchallenged by God, and thus, a curse that we have been redeemed from attempts to impose its will upon us.
Malachi 3:10 says, Bring ye the tithes into the storehouse. What is the storehouse? Where ever you are being fed, shepherded, or cared for. The storehouse is God’s house, “minehouse”. That there may be meat in minehouse”. Mal. 3:10 also describes the six (6) fold blessing in obedience to tithing, and they are as follows:
A. Meat in my house. The work of the Lord will continue on because of our obedience to the tithe.
B. Opening the Windows of Heaven. This describes the open channel for financial blessing.
C. The pouring out of numerous financial blessings that we cannot have room enough to receive.
D. I will rebuke the devourer. Through our obedience with the tithe, we loose God to our defense in areas of finances, sickness, emotions, etc. The devourer will be rebuked as we obey.
E. All nations will call you blessed! This is beyond financial blessings by faith, this describes manifested blessings where every nation can see that you are blessed!
F. Ye shall be a delightsome land; your homes will prosper; your jobs will prosper; and ye shall live in delight! God wants you happy and your obedience with the tithe guarantees your own happiness.
This is the six fold blessing of tithing, and it is through our obedience with the tithe that we are set up to receive from our offerings given. II Cor. 9:6 states that, he that sows sparingly shall receive sparingly. In others words, little out, little to receive, not little in the amount but little in faith, little in obedience, little in love. You shall receive based upon the motive and intent and content of your giving. Consider Mark (12:41-44) Jesus observes the people giving he noticed the rich giving much, but then this little poor widow woman comes along and gives two mites (approx. .50 cents), he makes the statement that she gave more than any one because she gave of her want even all she had to live with. Jesus was moved by her faith not her amount given. Little in amount may be much to one and little to another, that’s why the scriptures states (I Cor. 16:2), “ Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay him in store, as God hath prospered you…” You can only give within your means to give.
We have a philosophy that we learned from a wise Pastor we knew. He said “We don’t beg for money and we don’t argue over money.” We believe money is currency and currency is designed to flow.
In this last hour, God has told his people to redeem the time. I believe as Pastors God gives us an opportunity to pour into the lives of people. We need to reach the whole person. We also need to Pastor them and not Lord over them. Jesus is the good shepherd, he gives his people Pastor after his own heart. I believe if we minister to the broken-hearted, downtrodden, misunderstood, hopeless, and those who need to be healed delivered, and set free. We will be ministering through the heart of God. We must always encourage the people of God to know that God wants the whole person to prosper, spirit, soul, and body.
Prophetess Denise Upchurch, Sr. Pastor
Ministry to the whole person is absolutely essential in this time we live in. I know God has given us his anointing, power, and strength to make it. We must as the body of Christ, begin to eat the whole roll. We have seen the great soul-winning revivals, the great healing revivals, and even an outpouring of the prophetic ministry. This last wave of revival shall be one of soul-winning, healing, deliverance, and prosperity. We must believe in God for prosperity to carry out the work of the ministry to the whole world. Prosperity is for the saints. Ps. 35:27 says” Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yea let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant”. We must praise God, be glad, and be about God’s business. God wants his church to go out with a shout, pep in our step, and glide to our stride! The work of the ministry is anointed by God, appointed by his servants, and financed by his provisions for us. We can pray, preach, and prophesy but we must be an example of everything we say God is. We must seek His Kingdom and righteousness to see the rest added to us. What we do with the rest determines whether we get more or not. I want to do the work of the ministry that God has called us to do for generations to come. I believe we are about to see the changing of the guard in the realm of the spirit and the people of God who will hear his word and obey shall prosper in the work of God and in life.
Apostle Ulysses Upchurch, Overseer